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February 04, 2012

2ne1 Japanese Album/SNSD US Debut

2ne1 is set to release their first ever Japanese album consisting of their present japanese songs and their hit korean singles "Fire" and "I don't care". The album will be released on February 28 along with a DVD of all their Music Videos. 2ne1 and BigBang is also set to attend SPRINGROOVE, one of the biggest and most highlighted festivals in Japan.

Honestly, I don't see the point in releasing a Japanese album, it's just another cheap tactic YG is using to make more money off our girls (which isn't bad i guess...this is BISUNESS afterall). I'm not korean and I definitely don't speak korean but somehow I manage to love and cherise Korean muisc. I don't need 2ne1 to make an english album before I pay attention. I think 2ne1 needs to foucs more on creating new songs and the release of their english album (that is if they are still interested in making it in the states). The more they prolong it, the more people get pissed and tired of waiting. Plus there are quite a few other K-pop artists at the moment like SNSD trying to make it in the states, so the competition is really tight.
P.S. anyone who didn't see SNSD's performance of "The Boys" on David Letterman's and Kelly's show can check it out below. The performance was wicked, absolutely loved it but their english was a bit rough and kinna sounded like they were still speaking Korean. The US audience are a tough crowd and didn't seem that pleased but I guess it takes sometime and they will gradually come around....SNSD fighting ^_^



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